Thank you for visiting and taking a few minutes to look at my work. I maintain this site as a space to display some of my drawings. If you get something out of it too, perhaps a little inspiration, then that's a bonus. Improvement is slow and not necessarily linear but over time I get closer to my goals.
I live in Perth , Western Australia, have five children and nine grand children. I received a Bachelor in Fine Arts from Curtin University. And I have lived with CFS/ME for so long that I think I may have forgotten what normal health feels like.
I appreciate the simplicity and immediacy of pencil, working with graphite, charcoal, colour and pastel. Some choose to use drawing as a planning tool but I prefer to enjoy drawing as both journey and destination. With improvement in light fastness I hope that one day colour pencil will be considered a fine art medium with value equal to oils or acrylics. I enjoy being totally absorbed in the act of creating, of losing track of time and the almost meditative process of building layers. It is a calm and gentle and all absorbing space to inhabit.
You can contact me at [email protected]